Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem - Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar

Témák listája

Energy Efficiency Evaluation of 5G Radio Access Networks Architectures
The exponential growth of network traffic and the number of connected devices make energy efficiency an increasingly important concern for future mobile networks. More specifically, because 5G is being deployed at a time when energy efficiency appears to be a significant matter for network ability to consider and serve societal and environmental issues, it has the potential to play an essential role in assisting industries in achieving sustainability goals. Many architectures are proposed as candidates for 5G and beyond radio access networks(RAN). The Candidate task is to model, evaluate and compare the energy efficiency of different RAN architectures
Témavezető: Fayad Abdulhalim
Design an efficient fronthaul for 5G networks service delivery
5G cellular networks are coming, and they need to cope with significant challenges in meeting the demands of a large population. The rapid increase of mobile devices, wireless connections, and emerging internet services related to applications with very diverse communication requirements (smart grid, e-health, smart cities) raised the need for higher capacity and more energy-efficient network improved coverage capabilities. This requires a high capacity, low latency, and cost-effective fronthaul. The student's task will be to investigate and optimize techniques for dynamic resource assignment in 5G fronthaul. aspects
Témavezető: Fayad Abdulhalim
“Next Generation Passive Optical Networks empowering 5G Transport”
The enormous growth of mobile devices data-hungry services (e.g., Smart grid, m-health, Smart cities) raised the need for higher capacity, low latency, and more energy-efficient networks with improved coverage capabilities. 5G expects to attain 1000x higher data volume per unit area100x, higher connecting devices,10x longer battery life and5x reduced latency compared to its predecessor, which needs a high-performance mobile transport network. Passive optical network (PON) technology is ideally placed to provide that transport. The student's task will be to design and optimize a Next-Generation Optical Access Networks based on PON architecture to meet 5G demands in aspects of capacity, low latency, and energy-efficient.
Témavezető: Fayad Abdulhalim
Resource allocation strategies in 5G/6G networks
The topic focuses on resource allocation in 5G and beyond networks, including cost efficiency, energy efficiency, user assignment, and network slicing.
Témavezető: Fayad Abdulhalim