Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem - Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar

Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing in machine learning

Computer vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are two main subfields of machine learning, and a lot of research is going on there. These two subfields overlap together in tasks such as text generation out of image (image2text) or vice-versa (text2image). A main obstacle in the way of teaching models (supervised learning) which are able to perform such tasks is the lack of labeled data, and a way to overcome this is to follow unsupervised learning approach. The task of the student(s) is to get familiar with those tasks and try to reproduce available solutions in order to be able to improve them later. 1- Research phase 2- Checking and running the implementation 3- Ideas for improvement: e.g using new dataset 4- Implementing the imps 5- Checking the results and reporting No. of students: 1 - 3 contact email: alshouha@edu.bme.hu
Kapcsolódó oktatók: Modafar Mohammad Mahmood Al-Shouha
Kapcsolódó tárgyak:
  • Önálló laboratórium 1, Médiainformatika
  • Önálló laboratórium 1, Info, Msc,
  • Önálló laboratórium 1, Hálózatok és szolgáltatások
  • Önálló laboratórium 1, MSc, Infokommunikációs rendszerek
  • Projekt labor 1 (Analytics szakirány)
  • Önálló laboratórium 1
  • Önálló laboratórium 1 Villamosmérnök, MSc,